ATTENTION WOMEN: Over 35 And Still Struggling To Lose The Stubborn Unwanted Pounds?
Metabolic Breakthrough Rebalances Your "Hot Zone Hormones" So Any Woman Over 35 Can Blast Off Belly Fat, Shape Flabby Muscle And See Your Most Attractive,Youthful, And Energized Body Ever In Only 30 Days WITHOUT Suffering Through Restrictive Diets Or Trying To Starve Yourself Skinny
New research PROVES that any woman at any age can begin using this metabolic breakthrough today to finally see the unwanted, frustrating, and embarrassing fat hanging on to your belly, thighs, and arms disappear in the fastest and safest way possible...
Hot Zone Hormone #1
Starts Shrinking Your Belly Fat Within The First 24 Hours Helping You Quickly See And Feel The Flat And Defined Midsection You Desire...
Hot Zone Hormone #2
Smooths Wrinkles And Fights Off Aging So You Wake Up Each Day Bursting With All Day Energy As You Visibly Look Younger And Feel Better Than You Do Now
Hot Zone Hormone #3
Sends Your Metabolism Soaring So You Automatically AVOID Rebound Weight Gain Or Frustrating Plateaus
You have been LIED to if you still believe that you have to suffer through Long Boring workouts, or Restrictive Diets to get the toned, youthful, and energized body you truly desire. This is the exact reason why it's virtually impossible for 97% of women over the age of 35 like you, to lose fat and keep it off as you age...More below...
Once You Discover These Little Know "Hot Zone" Hormone Secrets:
- You Can Finally STOP the mindless cardio or long, boring workouts that produce ZERO results and only leaves you feeling frustrated
- You'll NEVER have to count another calorie, point, or struggle through another restrictive diet
- With the results you will see and feel by the end of the first week, you will look forward to the workouts as the flab starts to melt off and your leaner sexier body is revealed!

Do you feel like you'll never look sexy again living in baggy clothes and hate getting your picture taken?
Are you ready to give up, blame it all on aging and hormones, feeling like you've tried everything and your body just won't change? That's the mistake I almost made.
I used to feel just like you and hated looking in the mirror! The older I got the more hopeless I felt, until I discovered something shocking!
Maybe you can relate?
Hi, I’m Dawn Sylvester, and today, I am one of the most sought after fat loss experts in the country. I have spoken at health expos on antiaging, been a contributor to Oxygen Magazine, Cygen Labs, received an Expert Author Award and have written for and
I was not always fit as you can see in my BEFORE picture up above. I was actually on a path to obesity as I tried desperately for years to lose weight doing endless cardio and dieting, actually ruining my metabolism, and finding it impossible to lose weight. I thought that eating less and working out more would give me a leaner body.
I was was the night before a huge event. Everything I pulled out of my closet looked awful on me.
That’s when I realized I had to change. Everything I tried on made me look fat.
How could this be me in the mirror? I was only a bit over 30... I mean, we can't always look 22 years old, can we? I knew deep inside that I had let myself gain way too much weight.
Year after year I weighed a little bit more, and kept blaming getting older, lack of time, and hormones while I starved myself and did the wrong kind of exercise. I was was tired, miserable and weaker, and there I was looking at my body with embarrassment. I had already started throwing away pictures of me that I didn't like, but the reality was, I couldn't hide anymore.
Thankfully, that was the old me. Today I'm in my early 50's. I look and feel better than I did in my twenties and thirties. I can't wait to share with you the three simple secrets that I discovered that turned back the clock, helped me lose all the fat, and quickly firmed up my arms, legs, waistline and butt! The best part is I have kept the weight off and am now leaner and feel sexier than ever!
The secrets I will reveal to you about working out will change how you look at exercising for life. Imagine smiling for the first time when you look into the mirror as you see how your body is firmer and tighter . Without using harmful pills or gimmicks, you will be able to flatten your belly and turn on your fat incinerating capacity without hours of useless cardio or doing or a single sit up!
You've Been Lied To And It's Stopping You From Experiencing The Body And Life You Deserve
- The media bombards us with shows of people crying as they break down their bodies, claiming this is how to lose bodyfat, when in fact, this type of exercise is damaging.
- Cardio only workouts burn through precious muscle tissue keeping our bodies in a constant state of deterioration and a slowed metabolic rate.
- Muscle fibers cannot rebuild if we endure too much exercise. But are made stronger with shorter, more efficient methods that you will find here
- Research shows that hours of exhaustive exercise is actually bad for your heart and ages you more quickly, actually preventing fat loss.
- Collagen and elastin in our skin is damaged and pulled towards gravity when we exercise for hours, making us look older and weaker instead of more youthful and fit.
The TRUTH is:
- You DON'T have to feel frustrated anymore with long, boring workouts that produce ZERO results. Here you will have access to short follow along videos that have been proven to incinerate hundreds of calories!
- You'll NEVER have to count another calorie, point, or struggle through another restrictive diet starting today.
- Short bursts of exercise a few times per week have been proven to kickstart your metabolic furnace so that you can start feeling the pounds melting off in as little as the first week!
As you're about to discover, you CAN:
- Experience a youthful hormonal balance and increased sex drive!
- Eat more than you have on other plans and watch the pounds fall off!
- Shape depressing flab into sculpted, firm and sexy curves with 20 minute workouts!
Finally...there's the perfect step by step plan just for women over 35 just like you that helps you lose those stubborn pounds and turn your body from being a fat storing machine, into a fat burning machine!
Introducing Your Final Fat Meltdown...
The Only Permanent Weight Loss System that...
Rebalances Your HOT ZONE HORMONES!
Helping you Permanently Blast off Belly Fat
Shape Flabby Muscle and See Your Most Attractive, Energized Body
in ONLY 30 Days!
Without Ever Stepping into a Gym
or Getting on a Treadmill or Starving Yourself Skinny!
Here is the Exact Step By Step Blueprint for Female Fat Loss
When nothing else has worked
That is Giving Women Over 35 Lasting Results for The First Time Ever!
- You will easily program your body to raise your resting metabolic rate by putting on lean muscle, so that you never gain the weight back.
- In addition to putting on metabolism raising lean muscle with follow along workout videos, you will be guided on how to eat more than on any other plan so that you never have to count a single calorie again!
- You can follow this plan anywhere, so no need to worry about traveling or work schedules or social engagements.
- You will know when to eat carbohydrates so they are burned for energy and never stored as fat.
- Energy levels are maximized within the first week making it easy to keep going all day!

Here's What You WON'T Experience With Your Final Fat Meltdown
You see, Other plans are not based on how to raise your metabolism so even if you lose a couple of pounds, you gain them right back and now have a slower metabolic rate.
With Your Final Fat Meltdown, You WON'T:
- Suffer through hours of boring exercises that leave you without seeing results
- Tear down your body using hours of cardio leaving you exhausted and flabby with zero muscle tone
- Age your body while forcing hormones to store fat instead of burn it off
- Get injured lifting heavy weights
I have made big strides with this 30 day plan and will continue it well past the 30 days. I have now gone down from a size 10 to a size 6!

55 years old
Now, I wear sleeveless dresses every day, and even wore a 2 piece bathing suit on vacation this year! Not bad for having 5 grandkids eh? Everyone asks me if I had a tummy tuck and comments on how small my waist is!

56 years old
Now I know how to give my body more energy and have gotten much leaner while doing this plan. Hard to believe I was going about it all wrong for over 10 years. Wish that I knew this sooner!

37 years old
My clients always comment on how amazing my body looks and want to know what I did. I tell them I eat more now and work out differently so my muscles will grow!
47 years old
I have seen more changes in my body, in two months, than I have seen in years of working out! to continue

35 years old
I used to have back problems, but not any more! Dawn always says “keep your body moving.” My arms and legs look awesome and I get many compliments!
57 years old
The combo of eating enough to be energized, plus the workouts is what lead to my 90 some pound loss over the course of 7 months!

29 years old
I'll be forever grateful for Dawn's encouragement and training. I have lost weight, gotten SUPER strong, and she has taught me to be the badass woman I am!
22 years old
After one week of eating a little more than usual, I actually felt so much better. By day 30, I was feeling amazing, my stress was reduced, I was sleeping better, and the inches were coming off!

34 years old
I’m looking forward to eating like this forever. It isn’t a diet, I really get it now. It’s what your body needs to lose the weight and keep it off!
38 years old
I can do the workouts in such a short time that I never have to plan an entire day around a trip to the gym. I can do them pretty much anywhere!.

27 years old
I became stronger. My flexibility improved. I gained lean muscle. My clothes fit differently and I have more energy
35 years old
Here's The Entire Life Changing Package That's Waiting For You On The Next Page When You Take Action And Claim Your Final Fat Meltdown Today:

Package #1 - FINAL FAT MELTDOWN - a $67 Value!
- A 30 day step by step guide geared towards shedding pounds and keeping them off.
- 30 Cutting edge science based tactics on how to safely repair your broken metabolism, (that you don't have to be a fitness pro to understand!)
- The exact steps to turning saggy muscles into lean, sculpted and youthful curves that you envy on twenty year olds!
- 30 Daily Motivational tips based on brain based science that athletes and fitness pros use to keep you mentally focused and ready to face any challenge.

Package #2 - Fat Torching Workouts - a $47 Value!
- Follow along Video workouts that can be done in 20 minutes including pictures and descriptions of exercises. Plus 7 bonus workouts.
- Bodyweight workouts that sculpt your body while increasing your cardiovascular levels (that can be done at any fitness level).
- Workouts that are proven to torch mega calories and keep your metabolism on fire for up to 36 hours.
- Explanation of workouts including warm ups for balance, core strength and injury prevention that can be done anywhere.
- Additional workouts including modifications for beginners, and exercises that can be done using additional tools

Package #3 "Hot Zone" Hormone Secrets Exposed! - a $15 Value!
- Discover why fad diets never work and could actually make you gain MORE weight!
- Balance and reset your sluggish hormones with easy tips!
- Unlock your fat burning potential with powerful anti-aging methods that will leave you energized, and vital so that the weight comes off, and STAYS off!

Package #4 - Fat Burning Meal Plan & Grocery List for Life - a $15 Value!
- Done for you daily meal options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. So that you know what, when, and how much to eat every day and to energize your workouts!
- A detailed list that guides you towards foods that promote fat loss while building muscle!
- A guide to safe and effective natural supplements, protein powders, and sources to get your nutrients for energy!
Click on the ADD TO CART button below and start Experiencing the lifelong results you truly deserve TODAY!

Total Value $144
Today ONLY $37
You Don't Have To Decide Today!
Get Results FIRST, Then Decide...
I am so confident that this plan will lead you to weight loss and a tighter and more energized body, that I will offer you a 60 day 100% money back guarantee. If you are still hungry, still bloated, not motivated by the ease of this plan or cannot find 20 minutes to do the workouts, I will refund 100% of your investment into yourself... back to you.
Today ONLY $37
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I am a beginner and 45, will I be able to do the workouts?
A. This plan can be used by a beginner or an athlete. If you are completely new to the workouts, you will go through them 1 X, but still use intensity. The idea is to push yourself and use your body while you get your heart rate up in a short period of time. You will adapt as you keep using the program. The workouts continue to get harder and you can still gauge yourself and make progress, even if you need to back off a little bit. You will only build muscle and raise your metabolic rate when you get out of your comfort zone, so the key is to push hard but not to the point of pain.
Q. If the workout seems easy, should I do it for longer than 20 minutes.
A. No. If it is easy, you are not pushing yourself hard enough. Keep the intensity high and do the workout for the recommended amount of times. I will tell you if it is to be done 1, 2 or 3 X. I used to go to the gym, should I still keep going, or stop? This plan is meant to be done every other day, AND you can do it anywhere. Take the printed out workouts to the gym with you. If you want to add in a lifting session as you get stronger, great! This is plan is all about energizing your body, AND adding muscle to raise your metabolic rate. Still take a day off in between workouts.
Q. How long before I see results?
A. You will see results in as little as 5 days. As you start to eat more of the filling, nutrient dense foods from the Grocery List for Life, you will see that you are not craving sweets, and you will feel energized. Most women are surprised to eat more than usual, then see a 3-5 lb difference on the scale by the end of the first week.
Q. What if I don’t know or can’t do some of the exercises in the workouts?
A. If you don’t know one, either google it, or look on YouTube. If an exercise is hard, then you WILL get stronger. If you can’t do it due to an injury or limitation, substitute an exercise in it’s place from one of the other workouts.
Q. What if I start to get too big, I don’t want large muscles, only tone?
A. It is impossible to build large muscles with the workouts in this plan. A lot of women confuse the “tight feeling” of a growing muscle with “getting bigger”. Tone only means how tight your muscles are when they are not flexed. In order to get big muscles, you have to keep adding weight to the muscle being worked. You won’t be doing that in this plan. You will however be building tight, lean and sexy muscle that will raise your metabolic rate so that you can burn calories even while at rest!
Q. What if I don’t get results?
A. Well, you can get your money back, no questions asked, and no crazy customer service waiting time. However, I am positive that if you follow the plan, the portions, the choices of foods, and the nutrient timed meals AND do the workouts every other day. YOU WILL GET RESULTS.
Q. I really like cardio. Will I get my heart rate up like running?
A. Yes. If you are pushing yourself in the 20 minutes and following the order with intensity, you will not only increase your muscular endurance, you will be sweating and out of breath. In the short period of time you will not only boost your metabolic rate long after the workout ends, you will get that same rush of endorphins that runners love, only in a shorter period of time, AND you won’t be pounding your joints and burning through precious muscle that keeps your metabolic system running and your body strong.
Today ONLY $37